Friday, June 1, 2018

Candidate #7

(September 2017)

"Is there, like, some... stupid Bible verse you can say, or something?”

I only now finally got around to wrapping up my viewing of the second season of Fox’s The Exorcist TV adaptation, so I’m writing this post in the wake of the series’ cancellation last month, and that’s a shame, really.
While I do think its first season was a stronger beast, there was still a lot to commend in its sophomore outing.

But, with its cancellation, we’ll never get to see the new character dynamics that the final episode sets into place, nor the content of the message Marcus (Ben Daniels) gets in the closing seconds, nor the fresh circumstances of Fr. Bennett’s (Kurt Egyiawan), errr, new calling.
Unless of course, some other network or streaming service comes along to resuscitate the show.

For now though, The Exorcist Season 2 gets the ¡Q horror! seal of approval.

“You can start by asking God for help.”
“Does it matter if I don’t… exactly, totally believe?”
“No. No, it doesn’t matter.”

Parting Shot: As with its first season, there are a number of callbacks to the cinematic Exorcists, including one in the closing minutes of the final episode that, if you’re a horror film buff, you should see coming a mile away…
(As to whether this scene was also meant to telegraph the narrative possibilities of a potential third season--which they were clearly laying the foundations for--is anybody’s guess at this point…)

(The Exorcist Season 2 OS’ courtesy of

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