Thursday, July 25, 2024

[Addendum 1]

So I got my compli copies of ALAMAT: ORIGINS (thanx so much to Rome for the coordinating) and wanted to note a few things.

Firstly, that this will hopefully develop into a series of posts centered on ORIGINS and the stories between its covers that I had a hand in writing. Random notes and observations to hopefully put those stories in the bigger context that they're a part of.

Secondly, in Karen's Afterword, she notes a conversation in which an "un-God" is mentioned.
Now, time and memory will do this to you, but I, for one, do not recall this conversation.
Time and memory.
And age.
It happens.

I do want to point out however, that the "un-God" is certainly not my idea at all.
Fans of Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol will recognize the description as that of the Decreator. (Still one of the most chilling things Grant has ever written, that sadly, did not quite make the translation in the TV adaptation.)
So, I dunno... maybe time and memory did the same thing to Karen (three decades ago, man! SMH.), but the "un-God" is not an idea I came up with.
The Decreator... that's all Grant.

Hope you picked up (or intend to pick up) ALAMAT: ORIGINS, which chronicles our early efforts at comic book writing.

Hopefully I'll be around here again soon with some more ORIGINS Addenda.

you can't drink just six,


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