Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Rundown of the 13 Best Horror Movies I’ve Seen in the Past Year
[11 of 13]

(August 2009)

As I made mention in my Severance review (lurking in the Archive), I wasn’t really taken by Christopher Smith’s feature debut Creep. So while I looked forward to his third effort, Triangle, I approached it with a certain degree of caution.
At a 1-1 score, Smith could still go either way in my books.

I’m glad to report that the score emerged 2-1, in Mr. Smith’s favour.

In Triangle, Melissa George and company encounter strange phenomena and the resultant engendered terror on the high seas; the exact nature of the phenomena and resultant terror should be withheld for maximum audience satisfaction.
Suffice it to say that Smith constructs a, ahem, watertight exercise in the horror of inevitability and continues to evolve as a filmmaker in graceful leaps and bounds.
Of course, given my unalloyed joy with Triangle, I went into Smith’s subsequent film, Black Death, with high expectations; again, I’m glad to report that the score is now 3-1, in Mr. Smith’s favour. (To try and spread the ¡Qué Horror! love though, I allowed him only one slot on the rundown, so Black Death ended up on the runners-up list, which I’ll tackle after we get through the main 13.)

(Triangle UK quad courtesy of

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