Tuesday, October 30, 2018


It's the 30th of October, which means tomorrow is the 31st.
So, here's hoping all you mighty fine folk have a Happy (and safe) Halloween!

It also means that we're eighteen days out from this year's November Komikon (November 17 & 18), and look!
Announcement number four!


DAKILA: Legado 
Issue 2A (of 3)
David Hontiveros / Michael Urbano

Your name is Brandon Ramirez and you’ve been a geek your whole life: comics, movies, RPGs, cosplay.

And now you’re officially the world’s first superhero, as evidenced by the cape, the mask, the totally ripped physique, and those crazy-awesome powers.

Higher agencies seem to have conspired to steer you right into that skintight outfit.

We have only one question:
How’s that working out for you?

A reunion between fellow reprobated angels Raguel and Adimus turns contentious when Adimus' new "mission" is revealed.
Naturally, Dakila arrives just in time for the fisticuffs...

18 years old.
Cosmic champion.
All of a sudden, acne and getting a driver’s license are so not a big deal anymore.

So, yeah! Freebies!
And new releases!

And speaking of discounts...
Aside from the 'Verse packs (all completed story arcs available at a discounted price), we'll also be introducing 'Verse packets at NovKon.
Packets will consist of issues from unfinished story arcs that nonetheless still feature complete stories.
Like a group of one-and-dones (Dakila: Kapalaran issue 1 & Dakila: Buwan issue 1; art by Bibo Reyes and Jason Confesor, respectively)

and a complete two-parter (Dakila: Lumilim issues 1 & 2; art by Elmer Cantada).

So, discounts on compilations, discounts on packs, discounts on packets.
Discounts all around.

There you go.
Set the dates: November 17 & 18, at the Bayanihan Center on Pioneer.
Look for me (and the freebies and the discounts and the new comic book releases) at the Visprint booth!
And don't forget the ARTIST ALERT.

This post will also be, in all likelihood, the final post before NovKon. (Unless there's like a stealth ninja release that I am totally unaware of at the moment, which, as far as I know, there isn't.)
But please feel free to come back to the Iguana in these last 18 days before NovKon, just in case...
And please also feel free to spread a link to this post around, so we can get the word out.

Hope to see all you mighty fine folk at NovKon!

you can’t drink just six,


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