Sunday, August 4, 2024

[Addendum 5]

As I've mentioned in the earlier addenda, I relettered the AVATAR issue, and remastered HORUS.
Doing so afforded me the opportunity to see the pages before printing proper.
I did not get the same chance with DHAMPYR.
So I got to see the DHAMPYR section at the same time most everyone else did: when they got their copy of ALAMAT: ORIGINS.

Now, for a bunch of reasons, I have yet to read through the DHAMPYR section page-by-page.
But while I was randomly flipping through ORIGINS, I did note that the page sequence of the DHAMPYR section was... wonky.
So, for those of you who may have been confused with the apparently teleporting/time-travelling characters blinking in and out of scenes, please refer to the page sequences below:

225-234 / 237-238 / 301-302 / 239-298 / 235-236 / 299-300 / 303-306

The DHAMPYR section in ORIGINS runs from page 225 to 306.
We're fine with the initial section (pages 225-234), then we need to jump to pages 237-238, then jump to pages 301-302, then back to page 239, all the way through till page 298, etc, etc.
(Just follow that string of page numbers to read the story in its correct sequence.)

I've made the pertinent parties aware of the wonkiness, and hopefully, these errors will be rectified in any subsequent print runs of ORIGINS.
For now though, if you find yourself scratching your head at the way characters blink in and out of scenes, then please refer to the page numbers string above, which should clarify things nicely.

you can't drink just six,
