[Updated! With Schedule!!]
Among the Creator Connect talks scheduled for this year's online edition of Indieket on August 7, we've got one in which a half-dozen of the mighty fine artists I've had the privilege to collaborate with are gathered to talk komiks collaboration...
Thrill! At this Sneak Peek!!!
For the record, those half-dozen are:
Michael Urbano [Top Left]: URIEL: Hekhalot; DAKILA: Legado Issues 1 & 2A
Marvin del Mundo [Top Right]: DAKILA / Fr TRESE: Iunctura
Carl Corilla [Middle Left]: DAKILA: Makadaot
Pyotr Mutuc [Middle Center]: DAKILA: Siyudad Issues 1 to 3
Ace Enriquez [Middle Right]: BATHALA: Apokalypsis
Reno Maniquis [Bottom Center]: MASKARADO / DAKILA: Silver Like Dust
We've got the 5th slot, from 4 in the afternoon to 5:30.
You'll note from the Sneak Peek that Yours Truly was not on the Zoom call (long story short: technical issues prohibit me from Zooming at the moment).
Regardless, you should still most definitely check the talk out, coz these mighty fine gentlemen discuss komik collaboration, and I also still managed to answer questions over email, so I believe some of my answers will be read out loud during the call...
Or something.
Anyhoo, just check the talk out if you've got the time and the inclination. (August 7, 4PM to 5:30PM.)
Your viewership and support will be greatly appreciated.
And please feel free to check out any (or all) of the other Creator Connect talks...
"See you" at the Indieket.
you can't drink just six,